We Have so Much in Common

Finding Natural Alternatives to Common Conditions

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“Communion is a beautiful term. It’s composed of two words common and union. Our commonality with a plant indicates a certain similarity between us, and when union enters the picture, the division between ourself and the plant dissolves. You see the plant as a part of yourself. To enter a state of communion is to be in deep intimacy with the world around you-to see into it and allow it to see into you.”

-Sajah Popham, Evolutionary Herbalism

Do you ever feel alone with your chronic health issues? Do you feel like doctors dismiss you or don’t understand you? Like there is something natural out there that will help you but you’re overwhelmed by all the options? Are you unsure of who or what to trust when tackling chronic hormonal, pain, anxiety, sleep or digestive issues? Are you misled by ‘one size fits all’ or ‘magic pill’ approaches?


When I say ‘us’ I mean the people in this community who are experimenting with and exploring holistic healing and plant medicine, not limited to CBD, and especially not to one brand. I’ve spent a few days on research calls with clients asking them questions about their health goals and challenges. WOW. I am hearing the same story over and over again. We have so much in common.

My story of hormonal imbalance spans years and includes significant angst along with every prescription under the sun and the “best” medical care. Ultimately, it was my own research and a natural approach that resolved it. My story of anxiety spans decades, includes overprescription of addictive medications and being dismissed by a number of medical professionals who didn’t convey or validate the effects of withdrawal. The medications I was prescribed not only put a bandaid on my issues, but exacerbated them. Again, it was a holistic approach that led to sustained healing. Your stories are the same. Different specifics, but the same plot. Something is going on here.

Here are some conclusions I’ve drawn from talking to Small Farma clients this week:

  • We often feel disempowered and dismissed by our GP’s and even specialists

  • We suffer alone thinking we are just different or broken or beyond help

  • We have an innate drive to want to learn about our bodies and connect with them in a healthy, supportive way

  • Our busy, high-pressure lifestyles often preclude us from taking care of ourselves and that leads to various health crises or chronic issues

  • The most helpful practices we have come from self-awareness, education, and a gentle attitude towards the self

  • We feel like we can’t trust anyone, or any product

Here are some self-care and CBD suggestions from clients this week:

  • Take time for rituals with food, drink, skincare, movement or mindfulness practices

  • Try different ingestion methods of herbs or CBD for varying effects, and keep notes or journal about what works

  • Read peer-reviewed research on natural approaches rather than blogs or brand websites

  • Cultivate awareness-notice patterns around when and why you reach for an herb or other substance

  • Stop seeking the quick-fix and accept that sustainable health and wellness is an ongoing process which ebbs and flows

  • Detox from social media periodically and read quality publications like The Good Trade

  • Find playfulness-CBD lollipops are a great way to connect with that inner child!

Small Farma is not the answer. CBD is not ‘the’ answer. Our answers start with sharing stories, learning from each other, learning from nature and learning from our bodies. It’s not a “hippie” or “fruity” thing to say that connecting with the natural intelligence and intuition of our bodies is half the battle. We are so acculturated to existing in our analytical thinking brains, that we have to learn to reconnect with our energetic and spiritual knowing. Knowledge and education empower us, belief in the body’s capacity for healing is the catalyst for change.

Stay with it!




Somatic Healing: Learning from our Bodies


A Tarot Card for 2021