A Tarot Card for 2021


I started 2020 by posting a rare “serious” (ie: not smiling) picture on Instagram and realized later that the fingerless gloves I was wearing (no, I am not a member of The Strokes) in the picture were on backwards. I think that about sums up the upside down world that was this past year. For me, upside down wasn’t all bad. I am a fan of the “more rest, less work” mentality and it felt for a while like the world was ready to have a collective conversation about the benefits of slowing down. Moving fast and staying connected gives us the illusion of being in control but in its escapism maybe does the exact opposite and makes us susceptible to influence and manipulation. Sitting still is hard. And it’s where the juicy stuff is. What did you uncover this past year?

Considering I am still in a transitional limbo, sorting through all of the emotions that came along with my holiday “vacation", I thought it was a good time to let the tarot speak to 2021. Did I sound snarky when I put “vacation” in “quotes”? That’s because I think vacations should be one month long minimum and that’s my story.

2021 Small Farma Community Tarot Card: THE MAGICIAN

I pulled the magician card! What’s up?! It’s time to make shit happen. Here’s what the magician wants us to know this year:

  • DO STUFF: Hey ok, we’ve been thinking and brooding and analyzing and navel-gazing and now it’s time to put all of that to good use. Make deals, take action, create new partnerships, get out there in the ways that are available to you and start creating the thing. You have the magician by your side kicking you in the ass and reminding you of what’s possible. Excuses are fun I guess, but how are they pointing towards your fears? What are they uncovering about the parts of you that are unrealized?

  • 🔮CONNECT REALMS: Society is going through a big old improv inspired “Yes, and…” moment. Two things can be true at once. You can have a spiritual practice and be good at spreadsheets. You can meditate and also get heated when standing your ground. You need the ethereal and the material, they are nothing without their opposite. Take your ideas and turn them into material realities using all of the tools you have at hand. What is your skill set and how can you apply it to make very real change and impact? Can you make conscious decisions about which parts of you are showing up in the right contexts to take action and build something tangible? Can you be the intermediary for your own ideas to find life in the material world?You’re a damn magician with a lot of tricks in your bag, USE THEM!

  • 🎤COMMUNICATION STATION: Ugh, do you ever watch a show and get so frustrated about the plot device of miscommunication and misinterpretation? Why aren’t these characters explaining themselves? If they just gave some context on their childhood trauma, it would pave the way for understanding and less angst. USE YOUR WORDS! How are you speaking about that which you want to manifest? How are you navigating different environments and using insightful detective work to understand the psychology of the people you are dealing with? Negotiate, explain, connect, listen, observe, respond, give and take. This is communication. Let’s ebb and flow with each other instead of holding fast to rigidity and force to pummel others with our opinions. Ride the waves.

  • 🐘YOU HAVE THE (WILL)POWER: There isn’t any reason why you shouldn’t take very real steps to get to where you want to be, starting today. Do at least one thing each day that advances your goals and notice the satisfaction of building something piece by piece. Instead of becoming fixated on the illusion of total fulfillment once we can sit back and look at our creations, recognize that the work is never really done. Unless you’re enlightened (and I don’t think you are) you are on this trek with the rest of us. Might as well get your hands dirty, roll up your sleeves and accomplish your goals with a side of tenacity. There is no world in which we snap our fingers and get what we want. Research, work hard, believe in what you have to offer and make mistakes that keep you in a growth mindset.

    Here we go!


We Have so Much in Common


I am a (Spiritually) Material Girl