What’s Your Why?

Dream big, start small. But most of all, start.

-Simon Sinek

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Are you a details person or a big picture gal like me? I start projects with an intense amount of excitement which means I lay good foundations and then often get stuck in the weeds when the details become too cumbersome. I definitely have a colorful trail of unfinished projects in my dust. Sound familiar? If not, what’s your secret?

I like to talk about change, to shift mindset and encourage growth on a personal and cultural level. I like to act, to get my hands dirty and learn from mistakes along the way. BUT I am not always as enthused about mapping out my workflow for the month, setting goals and milestones and other such organizational stuff. You too?

Maybe that’s why I love the process of creating mission and vision statements, and representing a company or project. I AM passionate! But what is passion without the mechanisms that help us move forward? Interestingly enough, I find that when I get stuck overthinking or being overwhelmed by details, going back to the mission of the work helps orient myself. It’s all one big, beautiful circle.

If you have some of the same tendencies, try going back to the beginning to remind yourself why you’re here. WHY do you show up for yourself or others each day? WHY did you start doing what lights you up in the first place? What are you working towards?

Ultimately, it’s up to each one of us to determine the metrics by which we measure our own success in pursuit of our ‘Why’. Without our own sense of growth, challenge, or authentic drive to engage in doing the things we love, we will always be acting for some outside reward. Your ‘Why’ doesn’t have to drive you to start a business, it can be the thing that encourages you towards personal growth and kindness in service of a more peaceful community and world. Anytime we align with it, we are shirking age-old messages about ‘success’ (ie: wealth) in favor of varied and fulfilling ways of being successful.

Note: I learned about ‘starting with WHY’ from Simon Sinek in his book Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. He also has a great TED talk.

💫SFW Mission

Small Farma Wellness empowers people of all backgrounds to collaborate with plants, especially hemp, to cultivate physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

💫SFW Vision

SFW Sees a world where cannabis and holistic healing are not stigmatized. Society will embrace holistic approaches as well as traditional western medicine when making decisions about their health and wellbeing (mental and physical). In an ideal world, growing medicine at home and building knowledge of the self through mindful interaction with plants will be the norm. People will be less frustrated with band-aid approaches to chronic conditions and find sustainable ways to feel healthy.


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